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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Do you need help with your Martial life want to have some help with your marriage let me help

Please remember you alone are in control of your destiny. I seek only to offer you insight on the directions you’re considering going. The final decision is yours entirely. I do not take the place of qualified professionals such as doctors, lawyers, priests, counselors etc. I seek only to enlighten your journey. Feed back is appreciated, not expected but appreciated.I will listen to you , and answer your questions, guiding you to what I'm shown as a good direction for you to pursue.


Thank you so much for trusting your intuition in leading you to my page! My name is Elisa and I will do my best to assist you with honesty, integrity, compassion and kindness


I am an intuitive CLAIRAUDIENT; I am new to Keen but not new to helping people, and can connect with my spirits - particularly one female Guardian Spirit- Hannah, my Guide - and accurately answer your questions and concerns about any area in life: love, career, money, family, spirituality or whatever is on your mind, without judgment.


My guides are especially in tune with questions regarding relationship issues, soulmate connections, and past life experiences, and sometimes they will even tell you specific messages from your own guides that you weren't expecting, so be prepared! Please have specific questions ready when you call me, since I usually do not do general readings.

I am ethical and will be honest - I do NOT sugarcoat my answers, and may tell you things you may not like to hear but I simply convey what my guides are speaking to me in the moment, for if I did otherwise that wouldn't be fair to you. I only repeat the TRUTH I hear from them 100% of the time.

All feedback is greatly appreciated! Occasionally I may use numerology or the Tarot to help me with details, if requested Thank you for giving me this opportunity to help you! - Love, Elisa

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