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I'm a 3rd generation psychic with 30+ years experience, providing accurate info . Love and Relationships
Have Discovered That I Have A Great Gift When I Was A little Girl .God Give Me This Gift So I Can Help People .And That Is What I Have Done Till Today
Enter Your ExpertiseSince the age of eight, Izabella has been applying her psychic gifts with a skill and ease that one would not expect from a child. As a teenager, she apprenticed in her family's psychic shop, helping her grandmother to manage the store while also providing readings for the younger clients. Decades later, she is still reading for clients, but with a much larger tool belt that contains the added skills she's mastered over the years. Channeling, Clairvoyance, Tarot Reading, Aura and Energy Ring Readings, Rune Divination, Candle Work, Crystal Ball readings and Picture Readings, are just a few of those tools. Working on-line and in her own psychic shop, she has read for countless people, including Miami Heat coach, Pat Riley, one of her celebrity clients who sings her praises. She has also been invited to read at parties, popular fairs and festivals. For twenty-nine years Izabella worked professionally in her family's psychic shop, feeling blessed to continue her family's legacy. Transforming a client's face from frustration to joy is a feat Izabella often accomplishes, thanks to her unerring psychic counsel