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Dreams are the window to your subconcious mind! Listen to them and find the answers you seek!
I have many qualifications and above all reading have been from a very young age. If you need your loved ones contacted in the spirit world. I will help you connect with them.
When I conduct a reading, I receive impressions as you speak and the impressions sometimes appear as pictures in my head, both symbolic and literal. I will hear words/phrases/dates/times. I have been known to answer a question before it is ever asked! Each reading will be guided by you. But don’t be surprised if I will have to interrupt to say “I just heard/saw/received” because the information I get may at first mean nothing. But as the reading progresses, it will become more apparent.
I was born with my gifts, but like most children they faded into the background; always there but not understood. In college, I was given a dream in which I had to choose my path. I could either stay on the current path or could choose wisdom and in the dream it was Crone. I choose the Crone and woke up with a new world available to me. But it’s not just for me, I have these gifts from God to help other. I feel it’s important to do what I can to help. In troubling times, people need reassurance that it will be okay, and I can help with that!
I am clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, as well as an empath and an intuitive. I specialize on relationships both personal and professional along with dates and times. I can sometimes receive names as well. I am open, straight forward, honest, caring and compassionate.