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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Gia Gainze

Expertise In:

Tarot ReadingBreakup and DivorceCheating And AffairsCompatibility CheckDating Pattern RepairLove Partner ProfileOccultBlack MagicSpell CastingPsychic ReadingDecision Making ReadingsLove And RomancePast Life Psychic ReadingsUSA Psychics


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Live Chat:

$2.09 per minute$$10 - 3 questions. Basic reading $20. Love analysis - Heart 2 Heart channeling, life change, spiritual change/work, please contact me for info and details.

Describes Your Soul Mate, Reveals True Feelings, Find Out If Your Relationship Will Last, Channel Your Partners Heart For TRUE Emotional Guidance, Call Now

I am certified in metaphysical energy reading, Expert Tarot reader, Chakra energy specialist, I also have a degree in psychotherapy I have been able to read people since the age of 11 yrs old, I was born with my gift and am the 7Th generation so far within my family to have been blessed with this ability. I do have my own professional Psychic & Spiritual shop in Columbus Ohio, where I practice my readings as well as spiritual energy work. I began reading at my grant Aunt’s psychic shop once I was 17 yrs old, before then I was trained by a psychic group that my Aunt began back in 1992, there I learned how to control, strengthen as well as use my psychic, spiritual and energies also I learned how to cleanse, repair and balance Chakra and Aura energies. I am very dedicated to my work as I know it is a blessing, I hope to be able to help and guide people in anyway i possible can. Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. Many Blessings, Gia.



Specializes in HEART~2~HEART Energy Channeling For Lovers, Opens Love Connection, Brings Out True Feelings, Reunites You With Your Partner For ~*FREE*~ Using Your Own Heart Energy


Spiritual Energy Worker ~ Reunites Lovers ~ Bring Your Soul Mate Balances Chakra's ~ Cleanses Aura ~ Expert Spell Caster ~ Removes Negative Energy ~ Restores True Life Path ~  Meditation Healing ~  99.9% Accurate ~ GAURANTEES RESULTS!


7TH Generation Spiritual Reader. Will describe your soul mate, reunite true lovers, reveal enemies/cheating partner, remove negative energy, restore natural energy, connect to your lovers heart, channel your spirit guides for life changes and more.

 Need the answers of tomorrow today? Gia has them, call her for honest, accurate and detailed spiritual advise and guidance! Need to know if your lover is honest with you? Want to know when your will meet your soul mate? Have life choices and need to know the best path? Using her natural born God given ability, Gia will channel your spirit guides to help you understand the best possible path to choose.

Sometimes life does not give us our dreams, but with Gia’s help she will help you turn your life into what you have always dreamed of.

She also specializes in spell casting, chakra/aura energy work, spiritual balancing and negative energy removal. Don’t wait another day, contact Gia now for up front detailed answers, no sugar coating, only the truth as it is.

Psychic Readings ~ Tarot Readings ~ Crystal Energy ~ Love Connection ~ Chakra & Aura Balancing ~ Dream Analysis ~ Spiritual Cleansing ~ Spell Casting

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