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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Gifted George

Expertise In:

Decision Making ReadingsJob And Money Psychic ReadingsLove And RomancePet Psychics


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Live Chat:

$1.99 per minute$$5.00 yes no very breif email reading.

Psychic Readings Counseling Therapy(Life Crisis)

Have over 20 years of experience in helping many from all walks of life and also giving the results you need and deserve, no sugar coating here.

Hello!! The forces of the universe have divinely guided you to me. I know you may not feel 100% ready but trust me it is time. You already know, you are exactly where you are meant to be. Take the final step to release all your fears, worries and troubles. I am an internationally known professional gifted psychic with intuitive, clairvoyant and clarisient abilities as well as an empath. I am also naturally a healer and can heal and scan you remotely. Also I do mediumships and if someone wishes astrology and numerology as well as various card readings if you prefer but is not needed with my abilities. In my readings you will find that I am a professional reader that gets straight to the point and sometimes see what others have failed to see or missed or did not tell you. I am very sensitive to your needs in your reading with a humble as well as a humorous side and your readings will always be unique as you and most of all informative and the most important is making you feel right at home with me and of course at peace. My readings are filled with care and love to you and always attentive and helpful to your questions and needs. I also have a radio show that I run once a week that you can listen to on my site if you miss my live airings running every Thursday. From the age of twelve, I have become more aware of my gift and then from there on it has grown. I have been reading professionally since the age of eighteen and have been doing so ever since and have helped many find their paths and ways in life from all walks of life. One thing I will assure you is you will not be disappointed with my Readings and you will feel at peace, after we have had our session(s). One of my biggest motto's and I try to do it all the time is to make you My Client feel at home and at peace. I mean let’s face it if you can't have a Reader as a friend and confidant then why have one at all right. Well let’s get started, hope to hear from you soon! :-) Peace & God Bless!! Love Your Friend Always. Gifted George

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