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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Heart Divine

Expertise In:

AstrologyFeng ShuiFortune TellingTarot ReadingSoulmate CheckPsychic ReadingAngels Psychic ReadingsLove And Romance


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Live Chat:

$1.99 per minute$$50 - In Depth Email Readings

Feng Shui can always do wonders for your LOVELIFE! My forte is on Love and Relationships! If you need help, give me a call.

I'm a Psychic Empath Reader & Angel Messenger-Healer offering heart to heart empathic love readings and guidance to everyone in need of clarity and insight in their love relationship situation.

I'm a Psychic Empath Reader & Angel Messenger-Healer offering heart to heart empathic love readings and guidance to everyone in need of clarity and insight in their love relationship situation. 


I am an Empath Psychic Reader offering Heart to Heart Empathic Readings & Guidance. 


My email reading entitles you to give me one question regarding your concerns with your love life and I will tell you about what does this certain person thinks and feels. I would also tell you of his/her intention towards a loving relationship with you and the possible outcome to happen as well - if it's going to be a long term commitment or not and in any case that things are not going too well, I would also tell you *depending on what my guide is telling me and depends on the reading* how you will be able to take this in your favor to achieve your desire and goals to happen. 

***Heart Divine's Expert Special Service: (ASK & IT WILL BE GIVEN!)***

Angel Healing for $50: Working with angels to heal pain, psychic attacks & open opportunities and protect you at the same time.

Romance Prayer for $50: Heal get back your EX. Find your soulmate. Save the relationship!

Past Life Connection for $50: – Know you & lover’s past & get a past life healing, too!

"Heart Divine Psychic Empath Reader" 

By the use of my empathic abilities, I offer empathic heart to heart love readings to people who are in need to get clarity and insight with their love life situation. 

- Do you want to know if your EX is coming back?

- How is your relationship doing?

- Is he faithful to you or cheating behind your back? 

- Are you in the right path?

- What does the future holds for you? 

- Do you want to know if there is potentiality in the relationship? 

- What does your partner thinks and feels for you? 

Heart Divine's Empath Abilities:

♥ Psychometry - I am able to connect and get more insights to the situation using tools such as tarot cards, oracle cards and angel cards. 

♥ Precognition - I am able to predict the outcome of a given situation. 

♥ Claircognizance - I have the ability to feel and know what has to be done in given situation situation to take things in your favor often being accompanied by a feeling of inner peace, even in the midst of a crisis. 

♥ Emotional Healing - During the reading session, I am able to send you healing energy for you to get rid of the negativity you have been feeling and turn it to a positive, loving good energy for your own inner loving peace. 

Please take note that heart to heart readings are my forte for being a psychic empath and this is what I do for all professional readings I have been doing all these years in serving & helping a people across the globe. I would request everyone to not ask me about spirits, connecting with the dead and other paranormal activities. I work with angels for divine guidance in all my readings. I want to keep a good flow of energies in my chat as much as possible thus, I will not tolerate any abuse from anyone. 


Client Reviews & Feedbacks:

"She’s the best there is. Doesn’t ask for any info other than names and goes straight to the reading.. she picked up on the situation so accurately that only a real genuine psychic would be able to do that. She speaks fluent English, types super fast and gives you ton of details.. Best reading thus far!"

"Excellent.. her prediction on him contacting me came true in June. Waiting for 2nd prediction to come true in jul ! Am glad to talk to her. its like talking to old friend. She knows everything and thats amazing and she pickup things immediately!"

"Heart always picks up SO quickly on the situation and gives the information that is needed to determine how to proceed. She’s a wonderful psychic and talented energy healer as I can attest to after getting a healing by her – things have changed a lot for the better! Thank you! Give her a try!"

"One of her predictions came to pass and she gave me advice on what to do next. always nice to talk to!"

"The first time i’ve been caught off guard by how much someone could understand the dynamics of my complex relationships. She knew instantly several things about two different people in my life, and was aware that I already knew about some things.. She had proven her connection to me and her professionalism was outstanding, and did not leave me confused in any way. :)"

"just want to follow up, her prediction came pass , thank you Heart xoxoxox"

"As always she is very accurate she new what was gonna happen and uhhh it happen its funny how it works! her prediction did come true!"

"She read me and my boyfriend like reading a book! Her prediction came true in the past so I believe she will hit it again this time!"

"thank you so much really thank you since our reading I feel much better! I wrote that letter this morning and like 20 mins ago him found me and talked to me and wants me to meet him tomorrow at 1:00 I can’t believe this LOL I am so happy!"

Love and Light! 

- Heart Divine

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