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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Irridesent Spirit

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$1.99 per minute$I will give accurate reading via e-mail for $20.00. Shoud you want an yearly reading or astorlogical chart done that would be an addition 45.00.

I have been a practicing pagan solotairy witch all my adult life. I can't even begin to tell you how many spells I have cast, I can tell you the accuracy of my Spell's %100.

My Expert Service I am a Eccentric Pagan Witch, I have been practicing since birth. I was born into a pagan family that has been in existence since the early 1600's of Europe. I can guide you on how to cast the correct spells. Give guidance through Tarot & Rune readings. I don't need your name and birth dates. I can connect with you through your question. Anyone with true gift can do this. If you want to know about horoscope compatibilty then I would need that information.

Experience & Qualifications Psychic Advisor I have 40 years of professional psychic experience. I have helped many people in times of destress. Some people think that a psychic reader knows every deep dark secret that you have. I have people come to me wanting to "test" me with silly questions like what is my pet's name, do you know what I'm thinking right now, and the list goes on. I am not into these kinds of head games. If someone feels like they have to put me through a battery of tests then perhaps they have chosen the wrong Spiritual Counselor. I have always worked with Goddess's light and energy. Allowing me to use my gift to help people. I am not in the entertainment business and when people say things like "I just thought it would be fun to do this, I don't really have any questions", then they have come to the wrong person. This is not how I conduct my sessions. There are many different forms of readers available. It is important that you find the person and the style which is right for you. If a person feels threatened or is fearful that their psychic reader is going to bring up some old issues or whether or not they have cheated on their spouse, done time or anything that they are hoping to conceal and hoping I don't pick up on it. Then we right away have a problem. That person is going to be blocking them selves,wondering what I might bring up from their past. I there for won't be able to connect with them. You are in charge of the reading. With that in mind,you can relax,and just ask the questions you are seeking answers to. The walls of fear are broken down and we can get to the heart of problem you are seeking advice for. What is past is past, and why dwell on the past. I am not a fortune teller, nor do I tell you what you want to hear. I only give advice on which road the seeker should follow for the best out come. I will not hold back any information, good or bad. I tell it like it is. So if your not ready to hear the truth, I suggest you find another advisor.

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