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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Jadyn River

Here to assist with all your Wiccan needs and questions.

I am a naturally gifted psychic and empath who is willing to help guide you through life's troubling times. Trained in: Crystals Centering Rituals Amulets Healing Remote Viewing Spirit Guides(Angels, Guardians, Watchers) Tarot Cards Dreams Spiritual Visitors(Ghosts, Shadow People) Spells and Casting Relationships Lost love ones, pets and items

I am always available through email or swing by to schedule a private live session in chat! Sometimes the information you receive may not be the answer you are wanting to hear, but understand you have the power within yourself to change the outcome, feel free to ask me, and I will help you control your future. Whether you guidance deciding which job is right for you or assistance in communicating with a spiritual visitor, the spirits and I are here for you. Please note however, I speak the truth. If you are seeking sugar- coated, happily-ever after responses: for your satisfaction, you may want to find another advisor. I am here to be your friend and advisor, but I will not lie to you. What I see and feel is what you will hear from me. No extra sugar is provided. =) Growing up with this gift has brought me in touch with many experiences such as: communication and passing on of spiritual visitors in homes and businesses, guildance, ritual amulets and spells for healing and strength, and crystal energy. I feel that this is a wonderful gift that I am using to help those in need just as it helps guide me and has protected my life on many occassions. With this in mind, I do request that when working together, please avoid the "let's test the psychic" games. Although I often receive impressions of what color you are wear or what is your favorite morning breakfast food, it takes alot of energy to make a connection-let's try to use this energy to answer the important questions in your life.

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