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Angel and Archangel Psychic Readings by a trusted, highly rated medium psychic.

Natural born psychic medium clairvoyant. Have had abilities since the age of 7 and have been reading people worldwide with 100% accuracy for 4 years. On top of that I have a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and am well schooled in many areas of spirituality and ESP. I am also a radio show host of "Visions from Beyond", I have a video how-to on YouTube for house cleansing, and help people for free on Yahoo! Answers under Paranormal.

My name is Jessica. I am a professional psychic medium clairvoyant, Indigo adult, Medical intuitive, paranormal investigator/reader, multi-dimensional worker, oracle card reader,  Reiki practitioner and eclectic energy healer, photographer, crafter, artist and more.

I came into my abilities at the age of 7 when I first started hearing spirits walking around my room at night. I even saw a man in the attic, predicted events, people calling the house and the like but it all got dismissed as an “overactive imagination”. I slowly but surely developed further by having premonition dreams- my dreams would happen and I would foresee some of the most horrible things coming- this being in grade school. Sleeping in the house has always been a challenge for me because of the level of activity in the house. We live in my great-grandparents house and they passed away quite some time ago.

In 2007, the summer before my senior year of college I reconnected with friends through social networking (something I don’t do anymore) and one of them told me I may be an indigo child, to look into it- so I did. Come to find out I am considered an Indigo Adult, now because I am 25 and no longer a child but it was so nice to identify with a category of people. That year I was referred around to friends that have high levels of ESP and one of them told me to contact a lady known then as “Indigo Genie” and that she could help me. I started messaging her and still to this day she helps me with everything and she is even helping my sister out as well. Her name is Robyn Sharrock and she has been helping me out with my spirituality, abilities, gifts, experiences, protection and the whole nine yards now for over 4 years.

In fall 2007 I started my senior year of college to graduate early with my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology- that September I received for my birthday (in May) a reading from now, well-known psychic medium Mary Occhino who [without my telling her anything] told me about how sensitive I am, how I am psychic, medium, have 5 spirit guides, and how I was meant to start doing readings right away. I went that weekend to Borders and got my first deck of oracle cards: Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and started reading myself with them. By October I decided I was ready to start reading others and I thought it would be funny to start Halloween of that year. On October 31, 2007 I started doing readings in the dorms. A couple weeks later word grew like wild fire that I was giving free readings in the dorms and that they were accurate and I read about 10-15 people per week until I graduated that December.

Now, I offer readings professionally online through: email, skype video, and phone. I offer many different types of readings to suite your different needs. Whether you seek information about your health, your passed loved ones, haunting in your home/business, questions about the future, and more- I can help you with them all. I offer accurate, 100% honest readings that are sure to please anyone and everyone and the bonus? I genuinely LOVE doing them!

I am now considered a multi-dimensional psychic medium because I communicate and work with many different realms [energy vibrations]. Such as: Angels, Spirits, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Your personal energy body, other’s energy bodies, Faeries, Dragon Fae, the Weather, the Earth, and more. How do I read you? I receive signs, symbols, numbers, dates, words, letters, etc. all through different forms of extra-sensory perception that I have: Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Clairalience (clear smelling), Clairaudience (clear hearing), empathic feeling (emotion feeling), and more.

I am also a healer and Reiki II Practitioner. I offer distant Reiki and Reiki infused bracelets and pocket angels to help you with your personal health needs and/or the needs of your loved ones, friends and family. I practice and exhibit many forms of healing ability like but not limited to: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Elemental Healing, Aura healing, Color healing/therapy, Meridian Healing, Advanced Clairvoyant healing, Meditative healing, crystal healing, aromatherapy and more.

Even though I am very highly sensitive through ESP I am sensitive to other things as well like: soaps, lotions, perfumes, detergents, dish liquids, chemicals, medications, smells, certain foods, food additives, food preservatives and other toxins.

I know my mission and life’s purpose is to help you through spirituality and ESP but I also know my mission and life’s purpose is to help you improve your lives through health, well being, and art; and providing you the tools to get there.

I look forward to helping you on your journey.
Lots of love and light,

JessicaMarie111 STEPPED OUT
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