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Tired of false promises. Want the truth good or bad! Then those answers are only one click away. I can help with all love and life issues
I have professional training/degree in psychology - BS-MS (1999); I have worked as a certified psychotherapist since 1996 in South America, as a MFT (marriage and family therapist) in California, and as a mental health therapist in Arizona and Nevada since January 2002. My most recent degree is a MA in Integral-Transpersonal psychology from John F. Kennedy University. My work experience was gained working on outpatient mental health clinics, non-profit agencies, inpatient clinics and through my private practice. I did extensive research in hypnotherapy since the beginning of the 90s. I have worked as a hypnotherapist in my private practice since 1996. I was also trained and certified as a hypnotherapist in CA in 2003.
I can and will help you to overcome the obstacles life has thrown at you. With my help I will guide you to the right path to achieving your aims* desires*wishes and dreams. With only a phone call away you will receive piece of mind and answers to all your questions and problems no matter what they are. Loneliness is a thing of the past. I can guide you in a positive path in all directions of life. I can cast love spells and advise you on what potions and herbs can best work on any problem you have. To increase*~wealth*~love*~energy*~health*~ and to decrease *~stress*~worry*~anxiety* Email me your name, birth date, and any questions you have and I will send you an emailed reading within 24 hours. Note: I give the same time and effort into emailed readings as I do phone readings or live chat readings. Please request an email reading only if you are absolutely serious about it and are clear about the cost for the reading. Thank you! Give me a call (or drop me an email!), you won't be disappointed. First time callers are welcome! Charges for e-mail reading will be according to your situation and the time and effort needed to go for a reading. Call me now for a peace of mind.