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Amazing results of the ancients thru Feng Shui. Let me guide you for results thru color and placement harmonizing with natural energy flow
I am a graduate. I am expert in Cheating and Affairs advice. I am Honored by World Council of Astrological Reserch,Natural, born psychic!
Spiritual Life Reading
"A Blueprint of the Soul"
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A psychic spiritual life reading is an in-depth evaluation of one's soul, both past and present and is intended for those individuals who want a deeper insight about their soul's evolutionary journey throughout their various incarnations and how that journey is affecting their present life. These readings speak directly to the heart of the individual giving insight and solutions to present day problems by reuniting the consciouness with its true spiritual heritage. The focus of the work is on helping others in their pursuit of soul growth and spiritual understanding. All areas of a person's life are covered with emphasis placed on the underlying spiritual energy that governs each issue. Questions are encouraged by the individual and pathways are suggested that serve as a catalyst towards balanced empowerment in one's life. .
Some of the topics covered in a life reading include:
What your soul purpose is and how to achieve it. Spiritual initiations the soul has undergone and the significance of those initiations in this life. Spiritual and psychic development. How to awaken hidden gifts and talents. Health problems, causes, effects and solutions. Financial concerns and financial stability. Career direction. Future events. Influences from past lives affecting the present life. Karma as a opportunity for growth. How to work with the energies around you for the best possible outcome. Your strengths and weaknesses and how they work for or against you. Upcoming opportunities or obstacles. The colors of the aura and what they symbolize. Self help techniques that awaken consciousness. These are sample topics only. All types of questions are welcome.
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Relationship Reading
Relationship readings cover past incarnations experienced together, the spiritual opportunities and challenges of those incarnations and the appropriate path to walk in your present life to clear karmic influences. Karmic relationships usually last from five to seven years. At the end of that cycle relationships often end but the love for one another is still present. Breaking out of a relationship when two people are still in love can be traumatic. By understanding your past history together a deeper insight into the governing forces of your present relationship is acquired. This insight can give you the transformational tools needed to create a loving expression of support towards one another as you walk forward in this life together or individually .
how a person feels about me.
how this person will be towards me.
Topics covered in a relationship reading include:
How to help family members, friends, or relatives on their soul path.
Why people are together, what they are learning from one another.
How to help one another reach their fullest potential.
How to develop good communication skills.
Guidelines for working through problems.
Past life connections and karmic influences.
Hidden psychic gifts and talents.
These are sample topics.
All types of questions are welcome.
Mankind fears what he doesn't understand because he cannot control the unexplainable.
Mankind fears what he cannot see, but he prays to the unseen daily.
As you let go of the security of your insecurity, all things are possible.
In loving respect to all inhabitants of planet earth.