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The TRUTH is what you will get from any of my readings! 100% REAL Absolutely no sugar coating!
I am a High Priestess I been trained by my familly and Ansestors and have taken an exact Oath to use my oath to help heal and help people overcome any obstacle that challenges them. I been using my gift an helping those who are in need for over 30 years. I have helped many people in my lifetime an changed their lives around By setting them on their correct path of life an giving them the ability through God to Achieve Inner peace. I have my own establishments and shop in various places Around the world,California,New Jersey
I am here to provide you with guidance on any challenge or problems you have on your road of life such as, Marital Problems,Relationships,Love interests,Sexuality,Negativity,Buisness, Career,and Finance,Self Problems,Insight on life changing desciouns,Contacting lost loved ones,Sickness Or unexplained Diseases,Loss in Faith,And Achieving Self Peace.
I am not just a psychic I am a High Priestess I will treat you like a friend and provide you with the warmth and comfort you need. I do not Sugar Coat I tell the truth no matter how harsh it may be.
My familly has had gifts in the familly since a era that canot be trackd from how long ago we have a 2 shrines an one temple in Yokohama Japan where the gifted ones in our familly have trained.
Since a young girl at the age of 7 my spiritual abilities began showing themselves. I began training with the the older familly members with high calibur of spiritual and intellectual ability we call The Elders. I trained for 7 years until I became a priestess and then 3 years later became a High Priestess.
24 years later… I have dealt with many many clientell for over 30 years. I am well known an trained with my gifts an use them wisley on those who are in most need.
Reviewer | Date | Rating | Review | |
User17682017768223 | 7/12/2016 7:50:07 PM | ![]() |
user99984665061888 | 7/12/2016 3:00:41 AM | ![]() |
user7974272 | 7/4/2016 7:31:03 AM | ![]() |
user7682016842507 | 7/3/2016 10:53:35 AM | ![]() |
user7369362 | 7/2/2016 3:30:15 PM | ![]() |