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Needing Answers Now with Life Questions!

Mystic Shelley reads all area of life with over 15 years of experience using her Spirit to contact .

As a Psychic Medium for more than 20+ years, Mystic Shelley has had her hands within the psychic stream of energy —Assisting and guiding people to their unique (birth designed) path. She is a woman of integrity and kindness.

During your reading, Mystic Shelley connects with her 8 Spirit Guides, giving you her immediate insight into your concerns right
without having to ask questions. Her life's passion lies inside of her work and more specifically assisting others.
Mystic Shelley's heart is filled to the brim with the love of family and friends. This southern country girl finds time to pursue her studies in criminal
justice. With her degree she intends to work in the field of missing persons, with the intention specifically on missing children. Her heart is connected to those families that are missing loved ones, and she wants to assist in making a difference by utilizing her learned education and spiritual psychic gifts in conjunction with one another.

With her Soul mate Mark he is a big part in her Personal world and Psychic world having her best friend and along with her son Rich at her side she can do anything she
sets her mind to. Rich is the light of her life, a busy young man who enjoys playing the drums. Together they have made a wonderful family. Mystic Shelley doesn't  want to leave out her beloved pets! MinPin, Tink and a little chihuahua named Taco.

Shelley is a woman of her word, and our word is our bond. Mystic Shelley works hard in her life to find her own peace and happiness. Honesty and fairness are important to Mystic Shelley. This is displayed directly over into her psychic sessions. 

Mystic Shelley looks forward to speaking with you and giving you the advice to make those important decisions for your life.
t away

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