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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Top-rated psychic love expert, Gifted empath & Intuitive life coach. Detailed psychic readings with answers & compassionate advice.

I am a top-rated, reputable psychic – I provide my services with not only integrity but also warmth and compassion and hope to instill truth to my querents. I am a Gifted Claircognizant Psychic and Empathic Medium. A practiced Divinatory Master, Reiki Practitioner and Lightworker. As well as an experienced advisor. but most of all; a true friend. I am genuine and caring and give my all in my readings – I have helped thousands of people throughout my career and plan to help many more! I have been expanding my natural-born gift by many different means; I have gone through many different spiritual trials and purging, rebirths and revelations to perfect my ability and have borrowed from many different religions and beliefs from east to west. I have been doing Transcendental Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Healing Meditation, and applying various Buddhist methods of achieving a more balanced and enlightened spirit.

I have been reading professionally since 2002 and have been aware of my purpose since I was a young girl; Mysticism, Divination, White Magick and Homeopathy were ongoing practices by family throughout my upbringing.

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