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With years of studying spell casting i can safely help you to further yourself in many aspects
Certified spiritual health coach, Reiki master, 4th generation psychic expert, tarot reader, and Voodoo priestess.
Casting black magic spells on an unknowing and unenlightened helpless victim is one thing but woe is unto the arrogant fool that should be so stupid as to wield black magic against someone who is knowledgeable of and enlightened to the ways of witch craft. This person will find all of their evil renderings returned unto them in such a way as their dark work may adhere to their mind and soul for eternity. Determining the perpetrator of what has befallen the victim of black magic spells is the golden key to success in undoing and removing the effects of the dark magic and with this knowledge the spell can not only be removed but sent back to its creator and attached like a ball and chain around their neck for life.