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Aura ScanDream Symbols InterpretationDreams Your ChoiceFortune TellingPalm ReadingTarot ReadingBreakup and DivorceCheating And AffairsDating Pattern RepairMarital LifeNew Love PotentialParents And ChildrenRelationship RepairRomance BoosterRomance PatternsSingle And DatingSoulmate ReadingYour Choice LoveCurses n Spells CheckGhost and Entity CheckSpell CastingSpell RemovingContact the Other SideCrossing Over ReadingsPsychic Builder ReadingsPsychic Mediumhoice Crossing OverAngels Psychic ReadingsAura ReadingCareer ForecastsCrystal ReadingLove And RomanceReaching BeyondRemote ViewingRune Casting
$1.99 per minute$$30.00 for any 5 questions and up. For a full reading or a candle and prayer/blessing or a life reading, the price will depend on what you are requesting. I WILL NEED YOUR DOB PLEASE!
I can read your Runes. There are three of them. Past, present, and future. Call me now so I can answer all your questions.
I have been helping others since I was 5 years old. But I am a born gifted psychic and medium. If you are unsure of the information that you heard today, concerning your future, please give me the benefit of the doubt, and give your future a chance. If you feel unhappy with your reading, I will be glad to clarify or address any questions you may have.
I specialize in spiritual healing, card readings, and I am also a visionary and psychic medium. I am highly accurate, and can help guide you. I also connect strong and fast with you. The answers, and guidance you will receive will be accurate and honest. I use my abilities to show you which paths in life are best for you to take while showing you your options and choices along the way. I will provide you with the answers you have been waiting for, so you will be able to make an informed decision. I want to help you get back on track. Have your date of birth: M/D/Y please! I have been working as a Psychic Advisor and Healer for over 25 years, however I have had the ability since birth. I have also have my own business for over 20 years.