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A certified psychic reader, Spiritual advisor and an expert mentor mentoring people on Love, Relationships, cheating affairs, divorce, Depression etc
Kivar (a former systems engineer, BSEE) has over 15 years full-time experience (26 years total) in professional practice (25,000+ consultations through Destle,since Sep. 2000, Intuitive Services, 800Predict, and Phoenix Psychic Services). He has several radio/newspaper/TV interviews (e.g., WSAI AM 1530 "Angel Talk"...nationwide radio show, WHIO AM 1290...New Year's radio show, NBC WKEF Ch. 22 TV News, and Dayton Daily Newspaper).
Unique Intuitive Insight
Kivar is to facilitate "matching" of your desired outer self/co-created reality to your perfect inner spiritual blueprint through personal transformation, self-healing, wholeness, and LOVE.
Kivar (as match, specializes in Relationships and Work/Career), intends to share an objective/unique perspective as an intuitive forecast roadmap of probable/likely events/trends (like weather prediction) for love/romance and vocation. By insightfully merging clairvoyance, intuitive logic, and sympathetic listening; confirmation of your inner feelings/guidance for self-healing/wholeness/transformation is lovingly facilitated. Enhanced accuracy is achieved by synergistically combining several proprietary divination methods (as intuitive focusing mediums). Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and Clair cognizance come together for maximum interpretation. Intuitively informed decisions help maximize your opportunities and minimize challenges, thus assisting you in creating a more perfect life experience.
To receive the most from your consultations: Please understand 100% yes/no absolute fated prediction is an unrealistic expectation as much of the probable outcome depends on free will multiple choice similar to an changing/evolving weather forecast percentage chance of occurrence. Since Mark feels there is a delicate balance between sharing the specific that may limit choice and the general that expands choice; if you do not hear something you had hoped for or expected, please remember that your spiritually responsible free will choice usually changes events for the best possible outcome. Although his style is not for everyone and he may not know everything about you (nor have all the answers), Mark intends his best to help you create your most desirable outcome by sharing several viewing angles of an expanded perspective with objectivity, honesty, and sensitivity/compassion.
Second, what is the long term relationship potential for spiritual, love/emotional chemistry, mental/friendship, intimacy/money/business, longevity, and challenges. With the month/day/year of birth for each (birth location/hour improves accuracy), Kivar evaluates your relationship potential probability or chance of long term life partner success/happiness on a percent scale (>60% desired) and labeled average, excellent, or outstanding. Philosophically, as our ideal relationship with our inner self is developed through lifetime spiritual transformation, usually at least one of several potential life partner soul mate candidates may spiritually evolve to fulfill the spiritual contract with us (like flowers bloom differently).
Third, personality insight & cycle timing improves accuracy