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Runes offer you an insight into deeper areas of the matter that is troubling you. I have been working with runes.
Career Psychic, Clairvoyant, Love Psychic
Tools: Lost Object, Spirit Guides, Tarot
"When fear is banished healing will naturally take place.” I am a psychic medium, clairvoyant and metaphysical teacher who have helped people find clarity and guidance through a variety of modalities for over 15 years. My clients say, I am amazing by my accuracy. while I leave people feeling informed and refresh with a new plan to bring peace and harmony into their life.
I was born into a magical family and started my psychic training at a very young age. My mother and grandmother. Both being mystics and professional psychic readers. I have started teaching symbolism and the Tarot at the age of fifteen. At the age of sixteen, I was contacted by a Spirit Guide that led me to an injured pet.
Over the years, I worked with many different teachers learning Celtic mythology, herbal healing, spiritualism and many different types of divination. In the past 2 years, I have worked with law enforcement agencies to assist me in solving crimes and find missing persons. I have read for people from all walks of life including many well know celebrities.
Writing keeps me busy and when not at the keyboard, I spend most of my time in nature. Being a natural psychic medium, I work with Tarot, Runes, Angels and Spirit Guides. My readings are as unique as each individual and focus on problem solving and detail.