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Through Chinese Astrology You can find out more about yourself! and find peace of mind as to who you really are!
Welcome I am angie, a universal psychic advisor
i use universal frequency, tarot,
astrology, and clairvoyance. Yearning for love is universal and eternal.
Sometimes, those you love dearly don’t respond with the same warmth. If you find
that nothing seems to work, then you can turn to lady angie love psychic for
Through the years, i have learned to use all of my psychic gifts. I am
clairvoyant (clear vision), clairsentient (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear
hearing) and clair cognizant (clear knowing).I use my gift of being clairvoyant,
the powers of the universe, tarot, the secret, and my powerful spells to help
you. I can find true love in your life or reunite you with a lover. If i feel it
is worth it and if he or she is your soul mate and you truly are connected from
past life my spells are very strong, however you must follow the spells exactly.
It makes them work better. If you want to do a spell with me i will email you
all the info you need to get started. I am a master enchantress; i have strong
spells for all life's needs.
The aura is the energy field of the life-force and appears to mediums and those
with clairvoyant vision as a fibrous light that surrounds living things. This
ethereal light emanation also surrounds us and extends from two to three feet in
all directions from the body. The colors of the aura are a good indicator of a
person's disposition, health and spirituality. The aura is many colored and
flows and moves with you, changing colors with your moods, feelings and
spiritual condition. The aura is not to be confused with the lights seen by
people suffering from migraine or epilepsy, cell debris in the eyes (sometimes
called floaters), the bright spots of light caused when the eye is rubbed or the
after images caused by retinal fatigue. How to see the aura colors. Many people
can sense the aura and some can see it. When you have stood close to a stranger
have you ever 'felt' their personality- something we sometimes call the 'human
atmosphere'? For example, you may have visited a married couples house and
inadvertently interrupted a row. They greet you with sweet smiles and pretend
nothing has happened but behind this façade you can feel a pressure like the
moment before a thunderstorm. You are sensing the emotions from their auras and
this is why you know that something is wrong despite their pretence. You have
experienced the projected personality of the person through their aura. Perhaps
you have also at some time experienced psychic sight and seen the aura but have
been too embarrassed to talk about it for fear of ridicule by non-believers.
Trust what you sense and see and stand by what you know to be true for this is a
natural phenomenon. Fortunately many more people today are having the courage to
talk about their spiritual experiences which are proving to be more common place
than would once have been expected.
Within all of the legends of birthing, Angie as been accredited as the angel who
selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends the
nine months as the child is being developed informing the new person of what he
or she will need to know on earth, only to silence the child before birth by
pressing his finger onto the child's lips, thus producing the cleft below a
person's nose. "it was during the night that i felt the presence of someone
standing over me, watching me. I was afraid to open my eyes for fear of what i
would see. I started saying the lords prayer...with my eyes closed, i saw the
most beautiful face that i had ever seen. His eyes were as blue as the sky on a
day full of sunshine with gold running through them. His hair was golden brown,
with bright golden highlights just like his eyes. I realized my eyes were open
and the feeling of love was overwhelming. So much in fact that i thought my
chest and heart was going to explode. I was no longer scared." you too can meet
angie, this angel will provide guidance whenever you wish. Angie, whose name
means "god is my strength" ~ he is known for telling marry of her upcoming birth
of Jesus, the spirit of truth that dictated the Koran to Mohammed. To the Jewish
he is the one the parted the sea for them to escape the pharaoh. It has also
been noted that he came to Joan of arc and inspired her to aid the dauphin.
Angie is known to be the awakener, angel of vibratory transformation. Angie is
guardian of the moon and Monday. "i come on a pure silver spiral that flows from
mother earth to link with moon, governor of your emotions and moods. I am the
spiritual awakener who visits you in your dreams, bringing you fresh hope and
new aspirations." (from the book of angels by a. Mcgerr) during my studies i
have read that angie is the angel of the south and west? Which is truth? I
cannot be certain. What i am certain of is that when i call upon angie i feel
his/her presence immediately. Another misconception is that the archangels are
male in gender... There is no evidence to this at all, in fact in hebrew, those
names are neither masculine nor feminine--they're all aspects of god..
Call now to get all the answers you need from a psychic who speaks the truth,
get all the answers n the truth you need right
# clairvoyant (vision) # clairsensient (feel) # and clairaudient(hear). #
whether it's love, money, travel, health, career. # whatever you need answers
to, i know i can help. # let's glance into the mind of your loved one # find out
what they're thinking # how they really feel about you and most importantly,
where you fit! # ensure that you are "on track. # see what actions other people
might take. # select the best path among several choices. # minimize the
severity of unpleasant coming events. # contact deceased friends and loved ones.
Let's make this the best year of your life! For more than 30 years,i have
provided professional readings using my gift of clairvoyance inherited from my
spaniard great-grandmother. My abilities stem from generations of gifted family
members that came before me. From my earliest memories in childhood i have
always been gifted with a second sight, *readings are worth a lifetime! Look
upon a psychic reading as getting directions for the journey ahead. You will
still need to make that trip by yourself, and will confront all the difficulties
that life presents, but at least you will have some sense that your direction is
correct and there is a plan for all the craziness that you encounter. Also
realize that there are many different ways to get from one place to another in
your life. Madam lady will outline one path, among many, for you to consider.
Experience an accurate, honest, angel guided reading. You will get a straight to
the point, no false hope
call me for a full reading so i can see how i can help you in your life with
just a reading or a wonderful love spell or meditation to connect with the
universe to change your life. .please be sure to leave rateing & feed back thank
you have a bless day