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I will make you have the courage to go and ask your manager for step up the ladder, i will make u have the confidence to show ppl around you that u can do the job and prove to them and yourself that your new career and ideas are only started as u have the experience to seek what you want, My readings and healings realy cleanses your system to give you what i have said above but also give u guidance on the right paths to take to your dream career. I feel divine timing is everything.
I can do a reading that will tell you what career will get you the most places but also the most recognition that you deserve in your workplace. My spirits will tell me what you need but also what steps u need to take to get that perfect job with more money, chances in your career. I Also use rune stones in my readings and this will give you total clarification in what im seeing in my psychic powers and also from the tarot cards as when i add this to my readings, so many things come out and its then i blend it in to give you answers to anything on your mind and in your past, present or future and also i can do my unique "THOR CROSS" reading that involves 5 rune stones. PLZ ASK ME FOR THE COMBINATION READING AND LET ME DEVELOP ALL YOUR ANSWERS SO YOU KNOW YOUR DESTINY IN LOVE, HEALTH, TRAVEL, CAREER AND FINANCES.