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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Psychic Kira

I am an Astrologer with vast knowledge of how things happen.I am experienced in various fields Chinese Astrology, spirituality, religion,Vedic Astrology.

I have been a spiritual peer counselor for over 30 years. Recently certification has become available and I now hold a Spiritual Health Coach Certificate. I work with people with addictions. My clients come from all walks of life and from both the business and healing communities. Certified Spiritual Healing Coach,B. Sc. & Jyotishacharya in Astrology. Having a certified degree & with vast experience of 15 years in the field of Astrology, I would like to help you to know about your future, reaching decisions, clarifying goals and create true positive changes in your life and the life of your loved ones.

I believe we are all here to heal one another. We are living in interesting times. We are changing right along with the current earth changes. In this time of change it is very useful to have someone to talk with who has walked the spiritual path with practical feet for many years. I am here be that person you can talk with.i am a astrologer, numerologist as well as an advisor in fengshui & pyramid vastu. it is my personal endeavor to help people who come to me in any way. i genuinely care about people & love to help and serve them. i genuinely care about people & love to help and serve them.restore harmony in your life by Astrology and Tarot card reading meditation sessions uplifting comforting stimulating never failing advice on love & career gain the influence & and love of someone. insight & guidance for all personal & professioal issues. Whether your problem is related to money,love,marriage,partner, business,sexual life,carrier or any personal matter,I am here to solve all your querries and help you in making the right decision & will help you in filling positive thinking & lots of energy I have been providing astrological consultation for over fifteen years now and have vast knowledge of astrology, numerology and various healing techniques. My purpose of life is to help people with astrology to take charge of their lives by inducing positive energy and thinking, and improved decision making. I believe that blending Vedic astrology into one’s life can help you achieve your highest potential. an entirely new experience of professional Feng Shui consultation.The models are built in Second Life, a virtual environment which allows real-time navigation, communication, and redesigning for multiple people - as if at your own home or office, but with freedom to change the interior endlessly! I am a natural born psychic. I am a clairvoyant. I read the Taro cards. I also follow the astrological and numerology charts. I have been giving psychic advice to thousands of spiritual believers for approximately 15 years. Specializing in uniting and reuniting lovers. I am honest with my psychic abilities. I can improve the positive energies that surround you. I can also remove the negative energies that may currently surround you. All readings are private and confidential. I am caring, considerate, compassionate and most important a professional. Chat with me about all issues of life. I am a professional psychic, channeler, and tarot reader with many years experience. I specialize in clairvoyance, Tarot and psychic reading. I have my own office at home. You may feel caught in a cycle that doesn't seem to have an end. Let me help you find the answers that you need. Remember! You can change your destiny by thinking positive and sending positive vibration to the universe. Let My Psychic Abilities Show You The Path Of Your Life. Please note that readings are meant to guide us and we have ability to alter those paths through life. I will not take any responsibility for the outcome of my reading..

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