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Are you trying to manifest a job and money? Here are the three steps you should take to manifest effortlessly. Call me!
I can help guide you in all aspects of life; you are not alone. Fast connection and very quick typist. Honest and ethical reader. National Recognition on Psychic, Clairvoyant, Empathic readings I possess inherent knowledge. On-going studies in Herbal Healing, Flower Essences, Color Therapy, Metaphysics, Wicca, New Age Philosophy and Symbology and Spirituality.
Hi there! Let me introduce myself, my name is Mand I have over 20 years of experience specializing in understanding the whole picture of your life to create a direction for you to see more clearly all the choices available to you resulting in your receiving from life what you want and wish for. I do this with my Spiritual Clairvoyant gift and works with Crystals, Numerology and the Blessed Empathy.
I will tell you the truth good or bad. I'm here to help give you a better understanding of yourself and those around you. Others have told me that I am very accurate. I am honest reader who won't tell you things I don't truly see. Money is not my driving force. To prove this I have set my prices low. I'm Empathic which means that I can pick up on your feelings and emotions. I see pictures, flashes of words or scenes. With some people I can see and describe loved ones, past and present.
I do not use cards or other tools to help me. I can answer questions for you about: • Love and romance • Life and family • Finances ... and whatever other questions you'd like to throw my way! Open your mind to the experience! I will look forward to helping you!
Love and Light, MAND :)
In addition to private readings. I spontaneously use my gift to guide live audiences with their questions regarding love, romance, finance, career and health. Working with her third eye, I will read your aura to see what is not working in your life at this time and can see solutions by giving blessings and guidance with prayers and directions for your life.
If you're new to the manifesting and law of attraction scene, you must be wondering how to manifest a job and money easily. After all, without enough money, there's practically nothing that you can do. (Did you ever notice that people who say "money is not everything" are the ones who have too much of it?)
Well, here are the three steps that you must take to manifest money easily. These are actually effective, depending on how well you apply them. Read carefully, and be guided by your own intuition.
Step 1: Stop thinking of money as money, or job as a job
Just like everything else in the universe, money is ENERGY- except that it comes in the form of Benjamin Franklins or whatever currency you operate in. The problem is that most people shiver when they think of money, out of fear or some other subconscious negative feeling.
Try saying "money" to yourself thrice. If you feel a part of you tremble, then you have some negative feelings about money, which you may not know about. The same goes for your job - it's simply a complex form of energy that's in your experience right now.
Step 2: Get to know yourself
The problem with most Law of Attraction and prosperity programs is that they go right ahead and bombard your subconscious with affirmations and stuff. Well, guess what? The subconscious is such a strong force, it can and does resist anything that goes against what is already there.
So, before you start with any how to manifest a job and money program, make sure you know where your resistance lies. For example, you may have the desire to work at an investment company, but you may feel not worthy of being in that job.
Step 3: Have faith in a Higher Power
Whatever you do, never leave out the power of the universe or God. Having faith in a force bigger than you does two things: (a) it takes out all fears and negative condition that you may have, and (b) gives you inspiration as to what action to take.
If you're asking how to manifest a job and money, it's highly likely that you're not sure about what to do. My advice from my own experience is that when you do all those things mentioned above, everything else is easier, and you're basically guided as to what to do.