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Psychic Pattyann

Expertise In:

AstrologyFortune TellingTarot ReadingLove and RelationshipsBreakup and DivorceCheating And AffairsCompatibility CheckDating Pattern RepairPsychic Reading


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Live Chat:

$2.99 per minute$I am sorry but I do not give email readings, I like to connect one on one with the person I am give a reading to you. thanks and have a wonderful day.

TIRED OF FALSE PROMISES? Life changing Answers. CONTACT ME NOW Hear the truth from a Compassionate Heart. Help is a click away! LOVE/RELATIONSHIP ADVICE

Over 28 Years Experience in Psychic Readings, Messenger, Spiritual Guidance, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant, Love and Relationship Advice, Marriage Advice, Crystal Readings, Energy Readings

Hi my name is Psychic Pattyann and I would like start off by Thanking You for taking a moment out to visit with me.

I am an Honest Reader so please keep an Open Mind.
I am not here to give you false hope and say things just to make you feel better.
I am not here to judge you, I am here to help you, and I am here to tell you exactly what I feel and see, to help guide you into the right direction.
GOOD or BAD, I only say what is being brought through to me, But said with a Compassionate Heart.
I am here to make a difference.
SHED LIGHT where there is DARKNESS,
GIVE HOPE where it may seem HOPELESS,
Advise you to MOVE ON or HOLD ON.

I am able to Channel in and feel the energy around you along with my Spirit Guides and Tarot Cards I see and feel the situation that matters to you!.

If you are Tired of False Promises and you are ready to hear the Truth Regarding,
~Business~ ect.....

Do you Question:
Does my partner Love me? Is my partner being true to me?
Will I ever be in a healthy relationship?
Is someone from my past coming back or should I close the door and move forward?
Will I get a good Job? Will I be promoted? Will I get a raise?
Am I going to move? Buy a Home? Travel?

Sometimes in the winds of change, We find our true direction.

Frequent ask Question:
When you see something in my future, can you tell when it will happen?
The answer is I will give you a guideline, and a prediction, and help guide you in the right direction, The intuition perceives the patterns and Rhythms, We can experience changes in our life's rhythm's, like nature does. I can feel events in relationships to the cycles in your life, you can alter the rhythms, and then your life readjusts and the events in your life might occur and change that time period somewhat as a result.
Timing is a state of readiness, not the ticking of the clock.
He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.


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