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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Psychic R R

I am God gifted spiritual messenger, Willing to help you in your Situation by Spirit and Angles Guides. Can Tell you Thoughts/Feelings/Planing for people.

Reiki Master/Teacher third degree,Certified as a counselor using the Emotional Attunement technique,I have been an empath, clairavoyant and clairaudient all of my life. I began channeling at the age of 13. I have been giving readings professionally for 10 years.

At an early age I knew it was my life’s mission to help others. I began my interest in the healing arts at 10 years old when my mom introduced me to reflexology. I discovered that I could zone in right to the areas that needed healing. I discovered Reiki at the age of 15. And from that point on I knew that healing work was my life’s path. I was attuned to 1st degree Reiki at 17, 2nd degee at 18 and 3rd at 20. As I began doing healing sessions professionally I discovered a flow of information that would come in with each clients session. I had always had intuitive feelings, emotions and had a knack for knowing things innately without being told, but this gave me the filter I needed to bring this information in a way that allowed me to utilize it to help others. I began channeling with my Angel’s at that time and was told I would begin giving readings. At the time I had no idea how to do this. So one day I sat down with a dear friend who had been encouraging me to give it a try. And the information came flooding in. It amazed me. I had no way of knowing the things that were coming through me. Knowing that the information coming through is exactly what that person needs to hear at that time fuels me to stay on this path to bring forth much needed guidance to aid others on their life path and mission.I have since gone on to obtain certification in Magnified Healing and Emotional Attunement. This is just the beginning of my lifelong path toward truth, healing, enlightenment, and wholeness.

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