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Psychic Safina

Are you searching for your life partner? Not sure where to look? Do you need help figuring out the signals your new date is sending? Will this be serious?

Tarot Master Certification
Clairvoyant Reading Certification
Angel Reading Certification

About Me:
When I was 3 years old, my Mother began to notice that I reacted physically to visiting relatives or friends. If I disliked them, I would get sick and run a fever. Soon after they left our home my symptoms would disappear. There has always been a link between my abilities and physical feelings. My unique sensitivity has played a large role in my life, and continues to manifest to date. Once I realized that I could feel a person’s thoughts, I noticed their energy seemed to engulf me and make me feel very uncomfortable. When I was younger, having this much sensitivity was awkward and I disliked how it divided me from friends my age. Over the years I learned to harness the connection and have it work for me rather than overtake me.
When I first started meditating I saw a vision of an oval golden platter with 6 large sparkling Easter Eggs on it. I realized the eggs represented different people in my life. Such a beautiful meditation because it showed all the relationships that I would have in my life time. It showed 6 Easter Eggs. Each Easter egg was a relationship I had, and the 6 meant the timing of the relationship, meaning 6 months, 6 years, and 15 years (1+5=6). I have only had 5 relationships and the 6th is yet to come and it is the last one, I already know who it is, but I have to wait until the timing is right. The reason it is Easter Eggs is because all the relationships got serious around Easter time. Such a beautiful time of year spring is!

I remember one of the first messages I received from my guides. They told me not to marry my first husband, but I did not listen and I married him. The day of our wedding the cake fell on the floor at the reception hall. The marriage did not last and we divorced. I remember one night the guides told me to go home now! I didn't listen, and my car was stolen, and stripped down. It broke my heart. Every time I did not listen to the messages, something awful happened. So after learning the hard way, I started listening.
I met the Master Chin Yin from China at a retreat. When I saw her Aura and saw the energy field in her house, it was very powerful. She told me that I had special abilities that needed to be developed, and in time I would be able to see inside of people’s bodies.
After that I could see many things. The day my roommate’s father died, he came into my dream at the precise moment that he passed and told me to get out of a trench. I was told that he used to be a Sergeant in the army and he was really telling me that he was going to heaven and to let his daughter know that he was going to be alright.
I love the tarot, and really have a gift with using it and I would like to teach all who are interested. We are here to learn about ourselves and clean up our past so we can find our future and the person we are suppose to be with!
Blessings, Safina

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