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Allow me to analyze & explain your dream, dreams are signs for you to understand the upcoming circumstances & messages from the spiritual world…!
Bachelor & Master's in psychic. I aspire to be a true Spiritual Healer. By providing you answers to all questions I can help you to solve all type of problems. I will enable you to remove obstacles from your present and future, balance and realign the chakra, reunite lovers, energy clearance, spiritual cleansing, and balance of the body soul and mind. I have studied the arts of Astrology, Tarot, Numerology and a few others.
Each night, we enter the mysterious land of shadows. This archetypal darkness,
is a landscape rich with the language of symbols. By decoding those silent and
potent images, we discover Divine messages from our souls. To understand what
our dreams are saying to us, is exciting and enlightening. Even the nightmares.
They rarely mean what you think they mean. It is your heart speaking to you,
after dark. Listen. Recite your Dreams to me and let me give you the meaning of
each strange, vivid detail. I will demystify and amaze you with the real meaning
of your Dream, a gift to you from Spirit. I love hearing your reactions when I
explain what your own personal Oracle (your soul) is showing you, in living
color! The fleeting images are sent to Guide you, Warn you, & Answer the
questions you have ask during the light of day. This is the language of Symbols,
it speaks the same language as the Tarot (my favorite thing!) . Please, let me
decode these Divine messages for you! Remember....
that are not interpretated, are like letters which have not been opened."