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Intuitive and Spirit Guided Readings on Love and Relationships~ I Connect before starting session~ My Expertise is in Decision Making and Clarification of Situations
Have Been A Liscensed Psychic Reader & Advisor For Over 20yrsxt/
Your personal reading is all about the journey of life. YOUR journey of life. It can help you better deal with your relationships and life changes, by revealing things about yourself that you haven't even known or realized. Your reading is the result of over 2 full hours for me, in a combination of meditation, channeling, and use of the Tarot cards and Astrology as tools in your reading. You may ask specific questions, or let the cards reveal the influences. Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life? Past lives create imprints into our present being. This reading will focus on the most important past life that is affecting you today. Past Life readings are a wonderful way to get a better understanding of why you are experiencing some of the obstacles and blocks that you are feeling in your present life. This is my most requested reading. Also, the most lengthy and intense reading. This reading is quite unique also. It covers the next 12 month period of your life in one reading, and I give you the probabilities and atmosphere of these coming 12 months. A Forecast, so to speak, of how these months will unfold and what situations and experiences will come up, and any significant people approaching your life. Life is designed to be a school for the soul, where each of us lives out the lessons we have planned for ourselves in order to become a better person. Your Soul chooses what lessons it needs to learn in the time between lives, then after you incarnate and are born you set about fulfilling those set of soul lessons you've chosen for yourself for this particular lifetime. I will use your natal chart (astrology) combined with intuition and informative advice my spirit guides reveal to help you understand where you have been, where you are now, and the direction your soul is currently taking. I also offer advice on how to overcome difficult karma and create a more fully positive current life for yourself.