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Tarot Accuracy and in-depth situation reading. Tarot is a great way of knowing what is ahead of you in the near future.
I have been a professional reader in all the major systems of divination in the western world. I am profficient in Tarot, Runes, Astrology, Kabbalah Ogham, clairvoyant. I am direct and don't sugar coat, if you want to be told what you want to hear then please choose another Advisor.
In a world of extreme makeovers and instant messages, we have been conditioned to expect immediate results. Like spoiled children, we often get upset when things don’t happen according to our desired timetable.
Some events may seem too early (we’re not ready to have a child now), or too late (I’ll miss this opportunity if the business deal doesn’t close right away). In reality, life rarely happens in a precise, self-prescribed order, yet it usually happens right on time. The Universe is here to support us, but it doesn’t follow the magic-wand principle (wave it and the fairy godmother delivers). Like fruit, certain things need to ripen, and life’s greatest joys are often the ones that are not charted.
Having a long-term plan is necessary to achieve your life vision. However, it is important to realize that there may be some other items on the cosmic menu. When you open your eyes to this fundamental truth, you will partake in an even greater feast than what you could have imagined. The key is to be able to recognize and appreciate divine timing and working with it instead of blocking its flow.
"Life rarely happens in a precise, self-prescribed order, yet it usually happens right on time."
Sometimes your desires may not sync with your higher Purpose, or there may be some lessons for you to learn to help you mature spiritually. If you are feeling frustrated, don't give up what's in your heart. Instead, detach yourself from a perfect schedule, and become a partner with providence. You can aid the process by sowing the seed or delay it by complaining that the gardener quit! Instead of resisting the flow through procrastination and worrying, engage in active waiting by preparing yourself for that desired outcome. For example, if you are dreaming of starting your own business, begin to get your financial house in order. If you are yearning for the ideal mate, hone your own lifestyle habits. With practice the process actually becomes easier and you begin to trust that Thy Will Be Done is so much better than My Will Be Done!
Be Present.
Instead of fretting about tomorrow, live your best life today. Your actions right now will have tremendous impact on your future.
Be teachable.
If you feel blocked, look at your behavior and attitude and see if there is something that can be changed to release the flow. Always ask the question, "What can I learn from this?" Keep your eyes and ears open for direction.