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$2.99 per minute$My services for readings range between $40 and $100 dependant on length and questions.
Marriage is not only the beginning of a relationship but also the end of a life long search for the other half of your soul.
25 years experience vast client list many repeat clients Highly in demand within all fields of mediumship Connects with spirit and loved ones High levels of accuracy
Having over 20 years experience in Psychic readings, Spell work, Tarot and Clairvoyance, I feel offering a truthful reading is why my readings are popular and so many clients return to me. What ever your reason for having a reading at this time in your life, my aim is to bring those all important answers that you seek
As a natural Psychic medium I connect deep into your life path, and connecting to spirit around you enables me to see right to the root of your issues, decisions, people and areas around you at the moment, ahead of you areas of your future. Perhaps you feel at a crossroads in life? Do you need to know what is around the corner? Or what someone is truly thinking and feeling at this time, I am always truthful within all my readings, there is nothing worse than false hopes especially in regard to areas of love & relationship I dont give generalized readings, Each of my readings are personal to you My readings will not simply tell you want you long to hear, there are accurate, honest and truthful, I feel that is why so many clients return, time after time As a gifted Psychic counselor my aim is to help you with all aspects of your life, no false hopes, just Insight, honesty and empowerment so you can move forward ,I am direct and always get straight to the heart of the matter A fast typist and have a high accuracy rate for time frames