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Yogiraj Astrologer

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I do CARE about you and I do want to help you with anything you need help with!! I am an excellent listener and I genuinely want to make the difference in your life!

I am an excellent listener and I genuinely want to make the difference in your life!


My Tarot readings are arrangements of cards drawn from a shuffled deck. The layout of the cards is known as a spread, and determines what each card refers to.

Tarot decks consist of 78 cards. 22 of the cards are major arcana (trumps), such as The Lovers, The Fool, The Pope, and The World. The remaining 56 cards are minor arcana divided into 4 suites of 14 cards each. The suites are Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles. Although the traditional meanings of the cards are the same regardless of the specific deck used, the imagery and language associated with each deck tends to make it particularly useful for some types of readings. Reversals: About half of the cards in a reading are drawn reversed (upside down), which either negates or inverts their meaning.

I offer a Psychic Tarot Readings for yourself or you loved ones delivered straight to your e-mail, or live chat. My readings include messages from beyond. The spiritual helpers help give the cards a little push, which is important and needed to answer the questions to your specific situation. They do not just give predications. I have many different Tarot Spreads to choose from.

  • I have many decks I use and cleanse them with each client.
  • I can personalize your spread or your very own Celtic reading with your own personal style.
  • I will give you an in-depth reading and free follow-ups as well.
I Also Channel and am an expert Ouija Board Reader.
I Tell You The Truth! Not Just What You!
I have been doing reading for friends, family members and business acquaintances for many years. I will not tell you what I think you want to hear, I will tell you the honest truth from the cards if it's good or bad. I have been told my readings are very accurate to exactly what is happening in the lives of my clients. My readings also include messages from beyond. The spiritual helpers help give the cards a little push, which is important and needed to answer the questions to your specific situation. They do not just give predications.

PsychicHekite STEPPED OUT
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user6912442 4/25/2017 5:24:57 AM
user6245354842512 4/21/2017 9:48:09 PM
user1206160 4/20/2017 4:43:19 AM
user6152291 4/17/2017 5:11:02 PM
user5943066 4/16/2017 10:22:38 PM
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