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I am able to treat harsh and rude language arising from haughtness and contempt.
I started my psychic service with friends and family members. I was employed part time by 2 popular psychic websites and have helped thousands of happy clients to solve life issues.
Oftentimes the truth is felt but not seen. I am honest but I will also strive to deliver the truth that will be helpful for you, instead of leaving you in confusion. I won't always tell you what you want to hear but I will be honest because I believe you called to know the truth.
I am clairvoyant (vision), clairaudient (hearing), clairsentient (feeling/thinking), and at times, clairalient (smelling). I also work with crystals and music. I advise in matters of the heart and will try to find the best solution for you. Please allow at least 10 minutes of your time for me to fully read your energy and situation. I am usually silent for a min before my reading because I am trying to fully grasp solutions to a complicated situation. The more details you give me the more efficient I will be on zero-ing in on that specific detail.
I truly believe I can help when your faith is tested in moments of anxious waiting. I do not know why I was blessed with this depth of intuition but I trust it and I believe that God has unraveled Himself to me and the wonderful beauty of the spiritual realm because of my strong desire to uplift humanity and to genuinely help others in all ways that I can. Please keep in mind that no psychic should ever claim to be God who is perfect and 100% accurate.
My advice after a reading: Close your eyes and imagine a puddle of gushing, sparkling water coming out of your heart, washing you from head to toe. Take deep breaths as you are being cleansed by this water. Now envision a bright white light covering you and this water going down a drain. This will cleanse you so you can feel refreshed and be read accurately next time.