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I am God gifted spiritual messenger, Willing to help you in your Situation by Spirit and Angles Guides. Can Tell you Thoughts/Feelings/Planing for people.
A very nervous young lady came to me for a psychic reading. I opened up the reading and could see how the life of this woman was about to change. I told her she would go on two journeys. One would be symbolic where she would do a lot of soul searching, the other would be an actual physical journey. I saw her moving to a house with a red door. This girl would meet a man on holiday, they would fall in love and would have a child together. One year later the young lady once again knocked on my door. She was with the man she had met on holiday and was pushing a pram. She confirmed she had also moved and that the house had a red door!
I am a natural Clairvoyant and Medium and use my gifts and skills to give you an in-depth, honest and down to earth Psychic reading. I can connect with names and places to link into your past and present. I make links with both your Spirit guides and mine as a Medium, to bring you messages from people who have passed over. I also use Numerology and Vision and I do Healing, Past Lives and can help you to find Lost Objects. From the age of nine I could pick up on what films would be on television before they had been published and could see world events before they took place. Over the years that followed I found that my psychic reading abilities developed at a surprising rate and I was able to use them to help others as well as myself. When I lost two members of my own family within a year, I suddenly developed mediumship skills and was able to see, hear and talk to spirit. This for me was the final piece of my psychic jigsaw and gave me the courage to work professionally with my skills as a psychic reader. I love the work on the line and look forward to assisting you find the answering with your problems. At all times the final decisions are yours to make and choose your own destiny.