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Are you needing of a spell to protect and help you in your stuggles? I have honors degrees in Metaphysical Studies. No more cloudiness, let David clear your path.
For over 25 years, David has been offering caring, compassionate and honest readings to those near and far, seeking guidance in all aspects of their lives. Learning for many Spirit Guides and Masters, his gifts have been enhanced through study and meditation I work with tarot cards and also my born-given abilities to foresee what lies ahead, good or bad. I will be blunt and straight to the point which my clientele respect me for. I read but I also advise.
I have been reading professionally for over 25 years. It's a situation that you are always learning and expanding your knowledge and capabilities on a daily base. I will tell you the absolute truth What the future holds for you I can tell you if your lover is faithful or just using you I will answer all of your questions I will tell you your past, present, and future Are you facing difficult problems health? Money or job trouble? Are you unhappy in your Married life? Do you have love or family problems? Are you lonely, heartbroken, or depressed? True Feelings Motives/Intentions Spiritual Direction Dates & Timeframes Questions Of Life David Can Help Spiritual Psychic Astrologer David