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Yogiraj Astrologer

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Having issues in your marital life, want to know when you will be getting married and how things will be in future after marriage. Contact me now I will answer your questions.

I have empathic abilities allow her to make an instant connection and join energies with you in order to gain powerful insight in to what the universe is offering as divine guidance. I can also work with a Jasper pendulum for simple questions. I look for the deeper cause and what can be done to help heal or turn a situation around, I am also specializes in tarot, Riki, Pendulum, Career & Finance and Love & Relationships also able to work with the energy from Reiki to receive accurate information. I even use the tarot cards to connect with your energy and help guide my readings, I can offer you support & answers in all aspects of your life I am able to reunite lovers no matter the time or distance. I am gifted with the ability to see into your past, present and future my psychic gifts and powers of insight come from ancient ancestors of my tribe. I will only tell you what I feel is the truth, good or bad, but in the end, it is to help guide you along the more straight and narrow path. I will honestly tell you what I see-Through my deep meditation I can reveal things to you that will surprise you and amaze you, let me prove to you that my psychic gift and knowledge will change your life for the better and you will be happy! I can offer you support & answers in all aspects of your life.

I provide psychic readings using tarot cards and my own empathy. I use various decks Including Crow's Magick, the Aquarian Deck, the Thoth Deck as well as many others.

Please wait until I have the cards laid out before you hire. If I don't feel a connection with you, which can happen occasionally, I won't waste your time or money and read for you.

I will listen to your questions and concerns and then use these to gain insight into your situation and aid you in gaining the solution.

I will only ever tell you the true outcome of the cards, as problems and situations in life can be handled and dealt with regardless and the positive aspects of your reading in the particular path you are looking at. I will tell you what I see, even though it may not be what you're hoping for. Keep in mind that there is a reason for everything. A reading is not something that is set in stone, but rather something to guide you on your path.

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