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Do You Feel Like You Have a Negative Energy Evil Spirit Around You Come Here For a Ghost and Entity Check If You Do I Have The Abilities TO REMOVE IT. (Fast Typist)
I've Been an Advisor now for Over 17 years specializing in Charkra Balancing, Past Life, Regression,Crystal Rock, Palm and Tarot Card Readings.I have training and education in divination, healing, psychology and communication skills. I was taught how to do yes/no questions with playing cards when I was 11 years old.
Psychic and Spiritual Consoultant. a Master Teacher Of Meditation with the Ability to Heal through My God Given Gift. Allow Khanna to Take you On a Spiritual Journey, Opening The Doors To Sucess throguh Love and Well Being. I receive guidance from Angels and Spirit Guides. They may not always tell you what you are expecting to hear - or even what you want to hear. I will only tell you what I receive.I will only ask your name and date of birth, however, if you have a specific question you would like addressed, please let me know. I not only tell you the future, I tell you how to correct some of the obstacles. I give you exact facts. If they are cheating I will tell you with whom, if they love you I will give you details.I also do dream interpretation. Forever a student, I have studied, practiced and researched several methods of divination – tarot; palmistry; psychic abilities; mediumship; runes; dice; dream interpretation and the pendulum. I have also studied and practiced energy healing, history and cultures of magical practices and recipes, spiritual laws, the karma sutra, metaphysics and the occult or esoteric. I have also worked many years in the helping field, and have learned the importance of respect, confidentiality and not judging others. I guarantee confidentiality!