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Call DIYA for What can be worse than the complete agony of being in love? Yet what could possibly be a more enriching experience?
I ask you: ‘Is love still there?’ ‘Don’t know…think so’, you say Meaning: there is none. Then why do you call me so, Talking of life and us? Some of these entries arise out of the euphoria of first love. Meaning, there is none.
In my opinion, love is an illusion. its an illusion we convince ourselves to believe, in order to suppress the basic need for companionship. An don’t get me wrong, I believe it is out there; its just so illusive the average person is not going to find it and the above average person probably never will. {I have reasoning for saying it like that, but don't feel like elaborating. I also define myself as a hopeless romantic. So, I maybe over dramatize the definition of romantic.