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Rosemary Tonner

Numerological calculators that will help you to understand the meaning of numbers and maybe even help you find your life path.

‘The Mastery of Mediumship’ certificate obtained through the Psychic Registration Board. I have various professional qualifications in Management, Health and Social Services.I have a background in relationship situations, career progress, family life, social life, finances, lost pets and psychic training.

Searching for guidance? Looking for direction? Let me unlock my power to help you as much as possible. You are able to choose me as a reader or as a messenger because Spirit has chosen me for this work of yours. I will fight for you when you aren’t ready to or frankly, don't want to. This is about Spirit honoring you! My multiple Guides don't sugar-coat or feed you “stuff”. They are MUCH more than direct and MUCH more than straightforward.

I am a “natural psychic”. Information I will need to know before telling you anything, is your birth details or names of all you are going to ask about. Once I tune into the vibration of your two names, Spirit has my immediately channel every single word during your reading, including how it's delivered.

I often check to see if you understand and to make sure I am communicating with you clearly. I'll ask you questions such as, “Does that make sense?” or “Do you understand?” 

I provide messages for you to provide you with choices, tools and oftentimes, step-by-step methodologies that you can use for self-empowerment.

In addition, I have utilized my gifts to create a holistic coaching consultation firm. I help business owners worldwide find ways to unblock their challenges and increase their net worth emotionally as well as financially.

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