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Wiccan High Priestess & Ordained Witch can answer questions about Wicca & Witchcraft or give guidance & advice through intuitive readings. 20+ years experience!
I am a Wiccan High Priestess, teacher, healer and psychic who has 22 years experience in the Craft and over 10 years as a professional reader, healer and spiritual counselor.
Ordained Reverend and Ordained Witch with Twilight Fire Circle Inc. and United Life Church
Priestess and Mentor with The College of the Sacred Mists
Usui Reiki Master and Faery Reiki Master
Certified in over 15 other modalities of energy healing
Progressive Magic Certification from Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone
Ph.D. Student with the University of Sedona (Metaphysical Counseling)
Current student of Christopher Penczak in the Temple Tradition of Witchcraft
Member of:
American Tarot Association
Tarosophy/Tarot Professionals (member at professional reader level)
Looking For Answers to Questions About Wicca and Witchcraft?
Let me help! I am a Wiccan High Priestess, teacher, healer and psychic who has 22 years experience in the Craft. I would be more than happy to guide you into an understanding of the world of Wicca and Witchcraft!
I can answer questions that relate to deity, holidays, basic beliefs, history, practices, ideology and theology relating to various Wiccan and Pagan traditions as well as eclectic practice. I would also be happy to help with other questions related to magickal aspects of the Craft including spell work, ritual, magickal tools, meditation, Shamanic techniques, trance work, spirit communication, Reiki, crystal and energy healing, angel and faery work, mediumship, and divination such as tarot and scrying.
Spell Casting Services Are Available!
All Spell Castings are done only AFTER a consultation session to discussion your needs. All work is customized for you and carried out with your assistance. Without your energy results may not come through.
Or Are You Looking For Someone To Give You Psychic Advice, A Guided Reading...Answers about Love, Money, Health and Career?
I am also happy to help and offer the following:
Tarot Readings
Angel Readings
Crystal Readings
All of my readings are worked within a psychic/intuitive way. Through the use of tarot cards, crystals and other oracle decks I am able to open up a gateway to the Spirit World, Angelic Realms and to the Divine Source to gather information and guidance that can help you in your most difficult of times. As a spiritual counselor I have worked with many people using these gifts to help fine love, prosperity and health along with easing the mind and bringing in balance and light.
I'm NOT a reader who is going to just tell you what you want to hear, but rather what is TRULY coming through for you!
I do not sugar coat things and I give you exactly what I see. I'm not going to just tell you want you want to hear, but rather I give TRUE intuitive readings and I believe that all the information that comes from my readings are true messages from the Divine and Spirit that you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear.
**DISCLAIMER** - Readings and other sessions are not to take the place of advise from a licensed professional (i.e. doctors, legal counsel, etc). These sessions should be used to complement the advise and services received by a professional.
- Nothing is 100% set in stone!! You and others around you have the free will to make decisions that can chance the course of an outcome from a reading. If you don't like what you see in a reading take steps to change the course of things and you will see a different result! I am always willing to lend spiritually guided advice on how to do this in your given situation.
- If you come to a reading closed off and skeptical it makes it harder for me to pick up on your energy and the situation. So come with an open mind to get the most out of your session.
- Be reading to hear the messages! I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear but what I am getting from the Angels, my Guides, and the Cards! The Divine will give me the messages that you need to hear at the time, even if they're things you already know but have been ignoring or avoiding! So be prepared for anything!