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Love and Relationship Expert! Amazing abilities, get the truth on how your partner really thinks and feels about you!

# Ordained Universal Life Church Minister # Professional Tarot Card Reader-17 years experience # Master Intuitive Psychic # Gifted Medium-Makes contact with deceased loved ones and will verify contact # Analytical Dream, Vision, Signs & Symbols Interpretations # Communication with Angels and Spirit Guides # Discovers Animal Familiars & Totem Animals # Soulmate or Twin Flame Connections-Verification and Compatibility for Couples # Past Life Revelations-Lives lived and how they impact the current incarnation # Life Destiny Revelations-Discovery of Life Purpose and Current Objectives and Paths in Spirituality

to rob my mother of her purse while we were leaving a hospital having just visited my grandmother there. Unfortunately because I was so small I did not know how to translate my feelings or what I was sensing into a clear, coherent warning to my mother. This was a very harsh lesson for me as upon seeing my mother's purse subsequently stolen and her life threatened as the boys were also carrying weapons, I tearfully vowed to never again be caught unaware of my 'gift' and that I would be prepared if ever I was presented with a premonition again. These things are not at all pleasant but are sometimes very typical of many intuitives. Psychics in childhood may also receive visions or have dreams of beloved relatives passing just prior to their deaths or other such glimpses of future tragedy and despair. I wish I could say that being psychic means you know pretty much everything, but it doesn't. Psychics are not omnipotent or all-knowing. Only Source or the Creator has such a vantage point. But we do see the 'unseen' and because of this can offer bonafide help to those who need an edge or 'extra' information to make very important life decisions. Let's be real. If psychics knew at will the winning lottery numbers, logically we would have all won the lottery at least one time by now and would not be working at DESTLEbut would most likely be sunbathing on a beach somewhere in Cancun, slowly sipping an umbrella drink while some hunky guy was lavishing us with a delightful foot massage. Anyone who can promise such information but cannot obtain it for themselves should be looked upon with a reasonably speculative eye. The fact is psychics do have answers, but not all of them--When will the chaos in the Middle East end? How will we ultimately survive Global Warming on this planet? What happens when the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012? Well we all have our own working theories, but no absolutes. Despite this fact we do offer real answers to real life questions and insights that perhaps you yourself may not be able to see or couldn't possibly be aware of as of yet. We see the feelings, motives and agendas of everyone in any given situation. This is what we do. Come to a psychic reading expecting real answers but don't waste our time because we will not waste yours. This is much more than a job for the 'real psychic.' It's a way of life. And typically not a life we necessarily volunteered for in the beginning but one we learned to accept, refine and perfect. That is what we bring to you...insight, hidden knowledge and an unquestionable spiritual edge. Answers are only one click away! Find out more NOW! - Hearts

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