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Yogiraj Astrologer

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$1.99 per minute$my chrages are very reasonable based on my expereince. i chrage $ 95 for Email reading.

You deserve nothing less than a great Love, Perfact Match & Career and much more! Learn how to find them! Let go of the past.!!! Hold out for the best! Ask me how !!!?

Am a God gifted, with my abilities and experience. I want to people help all over the world as much as possible because I want to share my abilities to give you a right direction to reach a better path in your life.

Am Certified Psychic Reader as well as a Certified Spiritual Advisor, Spirituality and Religion, Psychic Reading. Specialist in Love and Relationships, Soulmate Connections, Cheating and Affairs, Breaking up & Divorce and posess excellent communication skills. I am considered as the healer. I keep confidentiality on all matters that are concerned to my clients

I suggest effective remedies to over come the obsatcles. I’ve done deep researches in ancient astrology that is reading your planets and stars. I also do spell blocking and spell casting as a jus last resort to help my clients.

 want to people help all over the world as much as possible because I want to share my abilities to give you a right direction to reach a better path in your life.Readings -Tarot Card Readings -Palm Reading (Picture required -Aura Reading (picture will be required) -Reg. Psychic Reading -Past Life Regression Dream Analysis -Love Reading Crystal Reading -More If you would like a reg. live session reading please contact me at any time. Serious inquires only please.It’s a beautiful and exciting thing when you are in the initial phases of a relationship. Finding all those wondering similarities as you get to know each other and your trust develop and grows.Am Straight forward person tell my client the Truth no Sugar caoting here.

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