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"Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood" said the author Robert Frost, but how will you know which is your road? I can help IN Decision Making Readings
I have a bachelors degree in psychology and literature, and two masters from Columbia University and Seton Hall University (both in Education). Besides being educated, I am a gifted Espiritista. I have been to Cuba, and my spiritual powers stem from there. I can use my bulveda to consult you, tarot cards, crystals, gypsy cards, and scrying.
Looking for Direction in your life? My spirits can help lead you to a solid path. What do you have to be afraid of, my rates are priced low so you can see how good I am. While I set up the reading, you won't be charged....Prefer a more in depth reading using multiple methods...Email me, and name your price....if my spirits accept it, you will get it for that price...
I have come to realize in life that helping people is one of the greatest goods, so let me help you.