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Are you being troubled by dreams of signs of the times? Do you need validation? I am your girl.
Associate degree in Nursing, Bachelors degree in biology. Continued studies in psychology and adult and family counseling. Reiki practices since late 90s' and have worked as a healer after I noticed an increase in gifts after several near death experiences.
Since I was a young child I can recall being able to see colors in people and later was able to put together what color went with what type of illness. I also would and do get intuition about upcoming medical issues. In my work in nursing this proved to be an invaluable tool I used that seemed to others to be "luck". I knew it was not. I was forwarned and was able to intervene. I believe the future is fluid and in the "Quantum " theory of time. This is why I value my gifts for I can use it to change an outcome. I can look ahead and make a difference.Also as a child was given psychic imagery and even restrained physically by unseen forces on separate occasions that saved my life.Later I had health problems which resulted in several occasions where I left my body. I found when I came back I was more aware and sensitive to energy around me.I am a precog and am best at readings that have to do with pregnancy, health and emotions. I found that my hands are now hot after my last NDE and have learned to use them to heal. I can do this in person or on the astral plane for I find it easier to slip out of my body now when in meditation. I want to help in any way I can. I also want you to be happy and feel like you have had good service. I will do all in my power to see that happen!Let me be your source to the Source!