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Will my career be successful? Will I be successful in business? Will I get a good job? I want to change my job and get a better one. When will I get a better Job? I am having a problem at work with my boss. I have given interview for a job. Will I get the job? I have been suspended from my job. Will I be reinstated? Whether I will be suspended?When will I change my job? Will there be any hindrance in education?Which profession would be ideal for me? Can I continue with my present career? When will my financial position improve? I want to switch to business. Do you think I will be successful? When will my business be steady? Will I settle my disputes? When will my business catch-up? Will I do business? Will I be successful in Property business? Will I earn in share market? Will I win the Court Case?
Facing a problem? Don't know what to do? Get astrological guidance on whatever problem you are facing. Your problems may be severe but may well be cured by simple astrological guidance and remedies.
GUIDELINE TO ASK ME A QUESTION: NO Horoscope-NO Birth Detail. Require only questioner him/her self during time of Questioning. Select the subject of question (do not mix 2 subjects or 2 questions in 1 question) Give me question detail in 4 to 5 line, cover all detail requires to answer you. Think the question you have prepared to ask me! Give me the 1st number comes in your mind Between 1 to 25 only. Give me only 1st number comes in your mind. With ought giving me to number, I can not reply to your question. (You can not ask me a question on behalf of any one or do not give the number you like-give only 1st no come in your mind to get a right answer.