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Dream Symbols InterpretationLove and RelationshipsAura ReadingDirection Psychic Readings
$1.99 per minute$~Special~$5 for two questions with answers,$10 fast reply,for 4 questions,with the detailed answers, for half a reading with fast reply $15-20 depending on the service type,any requested service more then just answers please contact me via chat or email.
I do help with balancing Aura's".we have natural spirituality in us, It keeps good faith through all the rough patches in life"
*Natural Born Gifted Psychic.* *Fourth well expierienced generation Reader and Advisor* *Ive been with diferent Psychic chat lines before* *I have been an expert Psychic Reader for most of my life* *I help people everyday on a client base via phone and in my office,
* I help people everyday via phone,internet, and on a client base through my office,*
*I read your Aura through My abilities I can see,feel If your Aura is on the same pattern as your mind&Body I can see if your Auras are off balanced, If there is mixxed faiths colliding in with your thoughts,
*if you have been feeling unlike yourself, Its proberbly because your mind body spirit need to be spiritualy balanced along with your Aura of your spirit/body and too much stress can knock you off your feet-litterally.
*Contact Me I am Happy to help you because I will be able to help you".
*I help in Mind body,spirit energy,I help with balancing aura's and diferent energies to maintain a good path ~emotionally and pyhsically,*
*In all matters such as: Love and Relationships,Career/money,Family,Etc~ I always Include details in all those categories in the service/session with the client, *
*I always Make sure That the client understands the information coming through the session,*
*Either seeking a full lenght Reading or just needing answers and guidence I am well expierienced And I know I have the abilities to help you*
*Needing Answers Insight: understanding his/hers chemistry with you?Understanding your relationship?-where to go what to do where do you stand?,
*Need/want answers insight~with family and loved ones,
*Feel the presence of Bad /negativie energies,vibrations,spirits,luck? Then you need to know and find out whats realy going on!start controling the bad and start moving forward good in life,
*I can help with all the above*I can counsel you with all the above*I am always happy to talk to new and old customers, You can contact me via phone email and chat,I am offering specials,
*I am also A fast and good typist*
SpiritPsychicReader |