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$1.99 per minute$All email readings are extremely detailed and at least 5 pages in length. For this the set price for this is £15 please ask about discounts
Caring honest Psychic, Tarot, Angel, Rune and Crystal Reader
Psy.D diploma
I read many different Oracle Cards the main two used are Angel Oracle and Rider Waite, however depending upon which I am drawn to this can alternate. I also use Runes, Crystals and Dowsing to provide readings, whilst I do use Oracle in readings I am also a strong intuative/psychic reader. I have been reading professionally for over 15 years running my own successful business with many repeat returning clients. I can assist you on any area of your life. I specialise in Relationship readings, Finance and Career readings, Past Life readings and much more. I also understand the need to feel at ease with a reader, it is vital that you feel comfortable with the person that is reading for you, as sadly there are far too many people who are happy to take money from people with genuine worries and concerns in their life who are not truely able to do so. So please be aware that some people are not what they claim to be, always make sure that you feel drawn and have trust when selecting a reader.