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Spiritualist Mara

Expertise In:

Past Life RosterContact a Loved OnePsychic Reading


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Truthful-Accurate-Reliable-Experienced-Ethical-Compassionate past life reader , contact your loved ones, whenever you wish , to get guidence from them .I will work as a massenger.

Master of Divinity, B.S. in Mass Communication, Certified Crisis Counselor, Certified Professional Tarot Reader & Counselor (American Tarot Association)

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Let Me Light Your Path




Hello and welcome to my homepage. My name is Mara Davi. I am a life long clairvoyant, clairaudient, medium, and empathic. I am new to Destle, but have been reading professionally for years with a long list of happy repeat customers.

I have a deep connection with my guides and angels and am able to see past the confusion that you are feeling. Additionally, i am able to connect to the motivations and emotions of individuals in the situations that concern you.

Ever since I was a child I realized I was different from other children i could foresee things to come and picked up on other people's energy. I receive messages through my energy by focusing in on situations and can visualize the outcome. I have predicted things before they happen to many people's amazement.

I can sense a person's energy from their voice. I can pick up their energy when I am around them I can tell exactly what their motives and intentions are be it negative or positive.

I strongly believe that we have the ability to manifest the lives we desire through positive thinking, meditation, and the channeling of energy. I began learning to read the tarot as an apprentice to a very accomplished professional reader over 29 years ago at the age of 13.

Recently, I was talking to my friend; I saw a vision of someone at her house whom she said had never been there. Guess what? When she got home that very same person was in her house talking to her husband. He was there at the same time i had the vision! I knew before she did!

I receive messages about people and things in my dreams as well as seeing and feeling them. I can guide you truthfully this means that some visions may not always be positive and hey let's face it that's life!

I will not sugarcoat anything or tell what you want to hear. I call it as it is shown to me. What may happening in the present does not mean that things cannot be resolved in the future.

If you can, have your questions ready. The answers you seek will come that much more quickly.

Do not expect a complete reading in 3 minutes or less. Personally, this is impossible for me. You will get a general reading, but details require more time.

Please, do not play psychic test. It doesn't work. If you doubt this, ask those who have tried. Do not give false information. Not only will you be disappointed, the advisor will be left feeling very frustrated. We need to have a positive energy flow and this doesn't help.

Remember, advisors are human. No one is ever 100% accurate. This is because each of us is given free will. We can't force another to use their free will in order to give you what you want. That's playing with fate and destiny.

If I am not here, please feel free to arrange a time by sending me email.



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