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Palmistry is an old form of divination,need answers about your relationship, money, career or life's direction I can help you.
Master in Psychology and Degree in Parapsychology. I study under amazing teachers who have a wealth of knowledge I can turn to if needed.
Palmistry is defined in the dictionaries as divination reading of the palm of the hand. Art or practice of telling a person's character and fortune by examination of the lines and configurations of the palm chiromancy meaning hand and prophecy. One may perceive the soul of beauty through the forms of matter. The outward body of man is merely an image and material copy a visible sign of his inner nature.
Scan front and back of both palms and tell me which hand you favor. I am available for listening also. Listening is a strong point of mine and I keep what people tell me confidential. There was a time in my life when I couldn't leave my house this went on for years. This phobia is called agoraphobia. If this is your issue maybe I can help as I have experienced it firsthand. I don't have any degrees in counseling but I offer life experience. I consider myself a new reader, although I have been reading for over a year. This is a never ending study.