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Are You Having Problems In Your Relationship? Are You Divorcing Or Divorced? With My Gifts, I Can Stop Any Unwanted Divorce Or Break-Ups Special Reuniting Love
When the student is ready the teacher appears. I know that you have been lead to me for a “reason” and I know that the power that works through me can help you along this journey. A life without divine intervention and connection can become a very lonely, desperate, and hopeless place.
When the student is ready the
teacher appears. I know that you have been lead to me for a “reason” and I know
that the power that works through me can help you along this journey. A life
without divine intervention can become a very lonely, desperate, and hopeless
place. I have been through the love and relationship challenge successfully,
both personally and hundreds of other times through my clients lives.
"Yes have to become as children”, declared Jesus. This means that you have to
come with an open mind and heart, as a child is teachable and willing to listen.
I am not God, I am just a psychic-the gift that comes through me has helped
thousands of people and I choose to give it to people that understand we always
have to take the first step in life—and then life responds. I am a person that
believes god gives us the pot and we have to mine the gold ourselves.
I have found that it is a good idea to free yourself of all preconceived ideas.
Before coming to chat, (if you have time) take a sea salt bath to cleanse your
energy and open up the energy centers---so that I may see more clearly into your
situation. Detach yourself mentally from the problem, so that spirit may show us
the solution together.
If you are coming for the first time, when you click through, all I want to know
is your name and date of birth. I have found that the less you tell me before I
tune in the better. The reason for this is that when you tell me everything
upfront it may bias me intellectually and then I am looking for this or that. To
keep things completely objective it is necessary that I do not know
anything---not even that you are coming to me for a love problem. I have found
spirit reveals to me all that I need to know with very little help from outside
sources. If you are looking for support on your journey---and are willing to
keep an open mind to the ideas that the higher power provides you with --- I am
always here for you…and I look forward to speaking with you
I am a fourth-generation Master
psychic and the great grandson of known European Psychic, Lucia Frabotta, with a
heritage steeped in the knowledge of metaphysical science. My ability as both a
transformational psychic and telepathic master has helped people understand what
they face in the present and what lies ahead in the future. I am regularly
consulted by political officials, corporate executives. With specialized
guidance and intuitive skills, I will help you in your journey to both personal
and professional success. I use the following tools in private and group
readings - psychometry, astrology, numerology, tarot, mediumship, runes, S.A.R,
and much more.