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Yogiraj Astrologer

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My empathic approach to relationships will help you understand and learn what you can expect in the future from a current ongoing relationship or even an old flame.

I have over 20 years experience offering Professional, Confidential and Enlightening Psychic Readings.


I have been Psychic, Empathic and Intuitive all my life. I am Clairvoyant and Empathic, and have a variety of knowledge in many Paranormal and Metaphysical studies. I'm a third generation Psychic born into a family of gifted Clairvoyants and Spiritual healers. As a child I was encouraged to develop my Psychic gifts, and follow my soul’s path, which has enabled me to fine tune my Psychic abilities. Being an empath has been my greatest gift, allowing me to feel others emotions and experiences in my own body and making me a compassionate Psychic.


 Relationship Answers

I specialize in relationships and will offer you insight and solutions for your relationship. I can answer questions regarding relationships, including intimacy issues, marital problems, suspected unfaithful mate, or torn between lovers. Gain a deeper understanding of why this relationship has come into your life. Clear guidance and direction to help you make your relationship better. My empathic approach to relationships will help you understand and learn what you can expect in the future from a current ongoing relationship or even an old flame that you still feel connected to.



 Psychic Tools

I use Tarot cards and my natural gifts to see into your future with clarity, to give you an honest and accurate reading. “The Tarot Cards give me a visual understanding of what’s happening and what will happen.”


Is a Tarot Reading a Psychic Reading?

Yes! A Tarot Reader also uses Psychic ability to decipher what the Tarot cards are saying to you during your Tarot Reading. A good Tarot Reading will offer great accuracy and predict your future as well as a Psychic Clairvoyant. Many Tarot Readers are multi-dimensional Psychics and tap into various Psychic abilities while reading Tarot Cards to predict your future.


 Dream Analysis

I am also a Dream expert, and have the ability to decipher whether your dream is symbolic, empathic psychic, a message from the other side or a reflection of your psyche. I can offer you insight to help you understand the message behind your dream. Dreams are the windows to our innermost fears and desires, and always have a message. Of the greatest significance of all, a Higher Power may just be trying to get in touch with you through these night calls. Let me help you decipher your dream, and open the window to your soul. Allow me to share my gifts with you!

Namaste, StellarVisions

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