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Tarot reader

If you are willing to keep an open mind and open heart. Fortunately i believe in magic and i will be doing the casting this is what is needed most.

Certified Professional Tarot Reader (CPTR) . Tarot Certification Board of America second-generation Intuitive who has developed impressive spiritual power, insight, and wisdom during my 55 years. has spent many years studying the works of the world's great teachers of spirituality, metaphysics, psychology, as well as layman's knowledge of quantum physics.

I'm a natural born psychic... my abilities became apparent early in childhood. I developed my gifts and became a master certified psychic clairvoyant. Since then, I've done thousands of readings (many of them online psychic readings) during my 20 years of professional experience. A comprehensive study recently revealed that my psychic readings have a 98.5 percent accuracy rating. I'm telling you all this so you will feel comfortable and confident when you call me for your live psychic reading. An accurate psychic reading can give you the answers you're looking for... whether your concern is love, career, money, family, or your health.
Some people worry that working with the tarot will involve them in occult practices or create conflicts with their religious beliefs, my approach to the cards is simple and natural. I try to show that the cards are not dark and mysterious, but wonderful tools for self-discovery. In fact, I feel that using the tarot can expand your spiritual awareness in many positive ways. Others may believe that the tarot is unscientific - a plaything at best, but certainly not to be taken seriously by those who know better. I ask only that you indulge your curiosity and be willing to explore the cards with an open mind. After all, that is the true spirit of scientific endeavor!
As a psychic reader, I find tarot cards a useful tool, but only a tool. During readings they assist a psychic in helping others to see patterns in their lives and gain spiritual insight. And while Tarot cards always return relevant results, they are still only as good as the psychic reader interpreting their meaning. Insight into a client's unique situation is key. To read general overviews of the specific meanings of each card, refer to the articles below...

Tarot is an ancient esoteric system of symbols and vibrations that uses 78 different cards to represent the vast majority of experiences any single person can encounter throughout the life journey. The cards operate on many levels, describing both internal developments (emotions, thoughts, intuitive feelings) and external ones (actions and physical events). These interpretations are derived from different methods of observation, knowledge, symbology, spiritual wisdom etc., and from a variety of teachers and sources.

tarot cards have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years to gain insight, see patterns, give counsel and even predict the future. No one is exactly sure how the Tarot works. One theory is that all things are connected and nothing happens by chance, and that the Tarot, like the I Ching, is simply a method of revealing these workings of interconnectedness or synchronicity. All that really matters is that the Tarot does work.This puzzle symbolizes the wide variety of possibilities and experiences available to us all. Each individual selects different pieces of that jigsaw to create a unique life experience. Each card has a separate significance, and they can be put together in a wide variety of ways to show the quality of the events within our lives at any given time.

The symbols are the different pictures we find on the cards. Every card within a Tarot deck has special meanings that are based upon many things; these can include mythology, esoteric or secret knowledge, association, color, etc. They give us important information through a visual form; a Tarot picture definitely does tell a thousand words, if not more. Whenever we see a particular design or symbol on a Tarot card, we are seeing more than just its outer form; we are looking beyond the illustration to find the deeper meaning or vibrations attached to it. This will then influence the meaning of the card itself and our interpretation of it.

In a similar way, the Tarot is full of hidden meanings and references. The pretty pictures that your eyes focus on are merely windows that will lead you to more profound information as you delve into the inner realms of each card. This leads me to the second part of this esoteric system, the vibrations. Vibrations are the different qualities or meanings that have been assigned to each card throughout the years.

I can and will tell you everything you need to know, you will be told the truth no matter if it's good or bad the truth must and will be said .I have answered and helped many people no matter how near or far they are you will be amazed in what I can and will tell you without asking a single word except date of births. Why toss and turn when you are only a click away from knowing your true destiny. I will tell you about your soul mate, past love, present love, relationship, job, money, happiness, past, present, future, family, kids, lover, lotto numbers, lucky days, lucky months, colors, aura colors, ect.Any thing you want to know and anything you didn't know you will know now! I can answer all your questions and tell you what to expect in the future.You will be amazed and will be at peace.

Today's Tarot card designs reflect specific trends in sexuality, religion, culture, and philosophy. There are literally hundreds of interpretations, and more are being conceived as this is being written. The diversity of the styles allows Tarot Readers to choose a deck that suits their personalities, the subject of the reading, the person receiving the reading, or any other variable as they so choose. Certain decks have a serious tone, some have a dream-like quality, others are full of cartoon images.

Tarot is a tool for aiding our interpretation of our perceptions. If any evil is committed in association with the Tarot, it is not by the cards but by the acts and intentions of the person using this tool. For evil to occur a conscious choice by the individual to do harm, followed by the implementation of a deliberate course of action is required. Nothing contained in or represented by the Tarot can cause this to occur by itself as the cards have no will of their own or the means to take action. Tarot has the potential to serve evil, if the individual makes that choice. Just because something is psychic doesn't automatically make it spiritual or good.

My predictions for your future are based on vibration energies that I pick up from your voice. I also use clairvoyance, empathy, tarot, and channeling. It is never too late to reunite with your true soul mate, even if you have been separated for years, there is still hope. If you are still with your loved one but you are feeling the distance growing between you, don't wait for the relationship to completely fall apart. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to mends the relationship. If you know you love the person - don't give up. Know all the facts before you come to such a painful decision. Don't just think and wish and hope, Do not wait any longer, contact me immediately. Don't prolong your happiness any longer.

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